2020 Matariki Celebrations at the Ports of Auckland

Junior kapa haka performance at the Auckland Museum 2021
Kapa Haka
Kapa Haka has always been a passion of mine, which stretches right back to my time at primary school.
When I took on my current role at Kia Aroha College I was asked to take on the role of kapa haka tutor as well. Despite the numerous disruptions caused by several lockdowns over the past 2 years, I have continued this role & enjoyed breathing new life into kapa haka at our school.
2020-2021 Kaupapa Haka
2020 ASB Polyfest team - tutor and composer
Our rōpū was prepped and ready for stage prior to the 2020 lockdown. -
2020 - 2021 Primary Kapa Haka Regional organisation leader
2021 Primary Kapa Haka Regional Tutor Yr 7-8 rōpū
2021 4th Place Primary regionals
National Qualification for Te Mana Kuratahi
This is only the second time Te Whānau o TUpuranga has ever qualified for a national competition.
During my time at FPS I have taken on our school kapa haka rōpu - Te Kāhui Huringa. Over the years I have built a strong foundation of performers, and seen a growth in interest across the entire school.
My resposibilities as teacher in charge include:
Organising practice times and venues.
Running practices for senior kapa as a tutor.
Co-ordination of after-school and lunch time practices.
Accompany performances as a guitarist.
Weekend live-ins and practice days.
Composition of waiata.
Choreography of all items.
General administration – notices for parents and caregivers. EOTC paperwork and administration as per FPS policy.
Maintenance and inventory keeping of all kapa haka resources. Particularly uniforms and instruments.
Attending regional committee hui in preparation for regional events.
Organisation of whanau hui with parents and care givers of students.
During my time as teacher in charge I have overseen the following events and initiatives:
Koroneihana performances 2013 & 2016.
Renewal and re-design of kapa haka performing uniforms.
Purchase of new piupiu and uniforms.
Design and purchase of dress uniforms.
2014 Regional kapa haka competition - overall 10th place.
2015 Hauraki Festival competition - overall 3rd place.
Created a full set of trophies and awards for the first ever kapa haka prize giving event.
2016 Regional kapa haka competition to be held in Nov.
2017 -2018 Mana Ariki Group - Travelled to Te Mana Ariki in Taumarunui & Placed 1st overall in the junior section.
2018 Organised Ngā Kura Tuatahi o Tāmaki Makaurau Regional Competition - host school FInlayson Park School - Event Co-ordination.
2018 Tāmaki Makaurau regional kapa haka competition overall winners.
2019 Te Mana Kuratahi Competition participants - Hamilton.